Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Understanding Adventures In Collective Empowerment

By Kevin Parker

When it comes to having the self-determination to get things done, people often need a great deal of strength. In some cases, adventures in collective empowerment can be beneficial in teaching people new and different skills which can empower and enlighten individuals in this area. For, it is also the process of gaining strength and becoming more confident while taking control of life and learning how to claim personal rights and space.

In some cases, empowerment can be used as a practical approach in interventions related to social work. While it can also be used as a tool in the area of education. For, without it, individuals would have a hard time developing, learning and growing in knowledge and information.

Definitions of empowerment differ among people, one of the best refers to it being intentionally centered and participating in the local community with caring, critical reflection and group participation. Whereas, it also indicates that it is a process which allows individuals and groups to access authority, influence and collective power to employ strength when dealing with difficult people, society or large institutions.

Giving away a sense of personal power has nothing to do with empowerment, it only shows a sense of weakness in the giver. For, each and every individual holds the inherit knowledge and insight to overcome obstacles and challenges in life. In most cases, after having met and conquered one of these challenges, individuals are often better able to handle a number of difficult tasks at work, school or home.

Empowerment can also be defined as the process of obtaining opportunities for marginalized people in society. Whether through the help from those effected or from non-marginalized individuals whom have shared stories to promote equality in the future. Whereas, it can also include attempts to deny opportunities based on a number of different factors.

Both types of empowerment, individual and collective are necessities when it comes to people working together in harmony to make the world a better place. In either case, it is important to understand that it is used to build and strengthen rather than weaken and destroy individuals, communities and groups. For, only when people have the strength to teach others the skills and tools necessary to make these changes will people see a better world in the future.

Phrases such as empower women can often come across as sexist to some individuals. While this is the case, that is clearly not the intention. Rather, the intention is to create empowerment in women so that these individuals can then empower others. Whereas, all genders need to be empowered on a equal basis by people with a global perspective. For, then and only then, will the energies of acceptance, equality, tolerance and unity begin to spread around the world.

Empowering groups and individuals by using similar methods to create an empowered world in which all people are treated equally remains a worthy goal. At the same time, until individuals and groups can learn to communicate and compromise while acting out of a place of love rather than hate will collective empowerment be honored and appreciated.

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