Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How To Cope With Raw Emotions

By Jose Roberts

It is not always that you want to express your emotions so that they are raw. You can't walk around being completely open all the time. You have to be in the right place to be vulnerable, with the right people. However, it is important to have raw emotions and to speak from the heart. This is not only going to help you, but it will help others as well.

Fortunately, they are treatable when you work with the right person. There are various types of therapists who know more about treating these issues by using specific techniques. This is based on who they are working with. Sometimes, it will be more practical, and other times, talk therapy is required.

Obviously the patient needs to express him or herself in order for the psychologist to get to know them. A connection needs to be established. This will lead to a trusting relationship which makes it easier for the client to experess themselves. It can take more time for a client to talk about themselves when they have not made the connection.

Other things on a temporary nature can lead to these emotions brewing up. The individual often thinks that it is just temporary and they will get over it. However, it is not as simple as this. When you are facing a challenge in your life, you need to deal with it at the present time, otherwise you are going to be presented with other problems as well.

When you don't make the effort to work through your feelings, you will experience a heaviness building up. You will find that your relationships are tricky to work through. It can become tense when you are with other people because you often irritable and frustrated.

To combat these feeling, it is a good idea to be aware of what you are going through. You need to recognize every time you are being angry with yourself or with those around you. There are specific techniques which can help reduce the anxiety. People engage in mindfulness and meditation. This takes time to get used to the process. It is not instant, but you will find that it pays off.

Learning specific breathing exercises are a bit like meditation as well. It helps you to keep you in the present moment. You will only focus on your breathing and nothing else. People who react quickly will benefit from this. There are also techniques to help them cope in these instances. It can especially be helpful for borderline patients who tend to react. DBT therapy can be helpful for this.

Having the support of family and friends is important. It is not always easy because the individual will say hurtful things, and this is why family members need to be counselled as well. They need to find out more about what the loved one is going through. If this is not possible, and the family members don't offer their support, the individual should join a group which is based on what they are struggling with. This can be very useful because people connect with one another and learn to identify with group members as well. It can be a very special time.

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