Friday, January 4, 2019

Interesting Social Justice Topic That Will Remain Relevant In 2019

By Laura Sullivan

Societies and generations have to deal with unique issues at each era. However, some of the issues are classical because they never die. They mutate and take a fresh twist with every generation. Here is a look at timeless social justice topic and issues that will still dominate 2019. They remain relevant for academic or media discussion without boredom to readers and the audience.

Abortion has refused to disappear from the minds of the society. Whether you are discussing the right of the mother to make a decision about her body or you take the moral trajectory, consensus remains elusive. There is the unresolved tussle between civil right activities and those advocating for personal liberties. Such contents are far from being settled.

Women in the combat is a discussion that will not fade any time soon. Combat is considered a male dominated world. While there are women in the army, their proportion of representation is not pleasing. As a result, gender crusaders want to understand the issue and encourage more women to participate. The concern is whether the absence of women is a deliberate plot or there would be any changes if women took the reins of military power.

Religion and the freedoms associated with it are a hot topic of discussion in the society and academic discourse. Religion was regarded as the root of morality. There were passes that were reserved for religious leaders and their guidance. However, its position in the society has been waning. Terrorism has also made the society to regard religion in different light. The actions of churches and their leaders are also a subject for debate.

Gender diversity in work places is one of the debates that appear to be endless. The issue is given prominence by the absence of as many women among the top CEOs of global companies. If parity was to be achieved, more women would have to occupy these positions. The debate ranges on whether this is through natural human resource forces or the situation is deliberate.

While the world says you can become anything you want, it has denied people the opportunity to be dead. The contention is that life is sacred and cannot be left to the whims of an individual. What happens when you are terminally ill and no chance of healing? This remains one of the most contested positions. Is it time to allow euthanasia?

Millions of companies around the world are reporting mind-boggling returns as profits. However, millions of workers waking up daily to work for these companies cannot afford food, shelter or basic clothing, among other necessities. There is definitely a problem with that scenario. Nothing can justify the face that people cannot afford what they manufacture yet their employers are declaring massive profits. This is viewed as a return to slavery.

Discussions on social justice can take different routes. It is important to focus on localized issues because globalizing them sometimes leads to loss of power. To discuss any topic effectively, you need all facts and strong points to support your position. Expect a contrary opinion but you should focus on making a point.

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