Wednesday, July 19, 2017

4 Ways Long Island Advertising Agencies May Help Authors

By Rob Sutter

Whether you specialize in fiction, history, or what have you, the role of an author comes with its unique set of challenges. Not only do you have to be able to create work that your target audience will take to, but you must be able to market said work so that it sells. When it comes to marketing, Long Island advertising agencies will be able to help. Here are just 4 of the best marketing tips that authors can take advantage of.

To start off, more authors should be aware of the power that social media holds. While you may not be able to sell more books directly through Facebook, for example, any Long Island advertising agency will tell you that social media builds awareness. The more active you are on these sorts of sites, the more likely it is that you will build an audience. This audience will become aware of your work, which plays into sales later on down the road.

What about audience engagement? This is one of the most important factors that authors, both up-and-coming and established, should take into account. It's in your best interest to reach out to those that express interest in your work. As a result, they'll be more likely to purchase your works in the future. Without audience engagement, the work that you put out into the open may not be received well.

Another important factor is the website that an author has. This doesn't include social media, as this focuses solely on sites that are produced by experienced web designers. Many of these designers understand the importance of building with SEO in mind. If this process isn't carried out, ranking for certain terms on Google and other search engines can be more of a challenge than it should be. Fortunately, this is just one of the many moving parts of web design that will be covered by advertising agencies.

Lastly, no matter how much effort is put into the marketing side of things, every author must continually work hard. No one that works in advertising will be able to disagree. It's easy for one to rest on their laurels, which is nothing short of a concern. When this happens, writers may not be able to produce the same quality of work that earned them acclaim in the first place. Despite the support that marketing provides, authors must never lose their work ethic.

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