Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Usage Of Maneuver Warfare By Firms

By Thomas Sullivan

Any organization will want to have in place strategies and techniques that will enable it to beat their competitors and hold a more significant portion of the market. Among the methods that are used are those that have been used in the military and proved successful in the battles that it was used, and in particular maneuver warfare. This can be brought into a business setting with the aim of accumulating a bigger market share. Below are the ways in which this system can be applied in an organization.

The first technique that can be implemented is the use of pricing that is lower or accommodating. Many organizations fail to understand that consumers are different and especially when it comes to affordability. They place rates which are too high which discourages them from making purchases. Introduce price discounts or generally lower them to a level that will gain profit while still enticing the customers.

Timing is another beneficial way to beat the competitors. When one realizes that the other players in the market have the tendency of lacking the products when the consumers need them most, they can come up with the decision to serve the gap. The moment they restock, they find out that you have already taken the share that they previously held.

During advertising, there are those strategies that are usually ignored maybe due to the belief that they have a small reach or are too expensive. Use this to the advantage of the organization where those forums are used to cover a more extensive reach than that which is already covered by the competitors.

Develop packages that are better than those that are used by the competitors. Purchasers are very keen when it comes to packaging due to safety and health standards. Whenever there is a weakness in this element, an organization can take the position to use better packages and thus pull the buyers. It entails using those that they will feel comfortable using and also guarantees the safety of items.

When the competitors have a lower quality than that which the buyers are looking for, jump in and raise the level of quality in your business so that the customers use the alternative created. Implement the various aspects of quality that are present in a system such as right first time to make sure there is a maintenance of this element. Implement ISO standards to take a considerable portion of the market.

The underlying ideology used here is going with that which the other side already has and then doing it better or attacking them at their weaknesses and turning into an advantage. When consumers make purchases, they want to feel appreciated and this can come in the form of free gifts. They are slowly pulled into the organization and become loyal buyers.

Finally, during the launching of new brands organizations fail when they burden one department that is the sales department to oversee the entire process. This division creates a situation of burdening others while relieving some. The effect is a failure of the project. Rectify this by indulging every part in an organization to work towards this goal. The results are substantial sales beyond those that your competitor makes.

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