Monday, August 27, 2018

The Huge Change Made By The Cookie ParadeBook And Earthquake Safety

By Matthew Russell

The disaster the poses great danger is the disaster that scientists cannot foretell. Although with advancement in technology, scientists are failing to know when an earthquake will occur and even its frequency. A lot of countries are still dealing with the consequences made by the disasters. Every home of every citizen has been destroyed, families are losing their family members, and their livelihood being taken away by natural forces. Fortunately, there is still the existence of individuals whose hearts aim to provide help by organizing The Cookie ParadeBook and Earthquake Safety enable to free every citizen from the pain that the person is continually dealing with.

In just a couple of minutes, an earthquake transformed the lives of Ecuadorians into a nightmare. Their government is exerting the best efforts in the rehabilitation of the villages, and Ecuadorians are still carrying every burden. However, with the help of persons with a generous heart, they are given hope, and are not only given financial assistance, but assistance that will impact the people emotionally.

This started by human beings in every corner of the world sending cookies to Ecuador since it has been proven and tested that a cookie will make that frown turn upside down. As this movement progresses, the individuals behind this movement would need to increase their budget, and thus, they are needing every human being to pitch in. Their course of action is to publish a manual that is filled with artful works created by the little ones in Ecuador.

However, the publication does not only exhibit the artworks of the kids. In its pages, points in successfully preparing for the tragedy is printed, what should one do when the ground breaks, and the first thing to do after the event. Hence, Ecuadorians are not the only individuals reaping profits, but the kind hearted persons are also reaping profits. Yet, the success of finally doing what is right is greater than the feeling of buying the publication.

The inclusions are points that will make individuals ready for the disaster, the list of stuff to have on hand. Furthermore, inclusions such as the course of action to take when there is seismic activity and the stuff that are to avoided in the aftermath. Thus, one will surely have an encompassing knowledge on how to be safe.

One of the best technological advancement that humans are using today is the internet. On the internet, they can access the websites that allow them to donate money for this cause to continue throughout the years. No worries though, since the websites are safe, and will surely keep in utmost secrecy your credit card credentials.

However, giving donations is not the only contribution one can make. One can also give through volunteerism. The application can be easily done on the site. A student or anyone who can give time or anyone who are very willing to aid are very much welcome.

Also available online are the previous events, current ones, and upcoming ones. Hence, they can acquire details about the doings of the organization. Moreover, the pages are user friendly.

In a world full of chaos, it is ideal to extend help to others. Your money that you donated will not only bring temporal joy, but a permanent and positive effect to their lives. After all, your money is just a tool for you to aid, your heart is the one that is making great change.

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